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Easy way to get your Videos to watch later list Automatically

Follow these following steps
to get your Watch Later playlist sorted

Step1: Allow access to your youtube content.

To perform the opertaions we need your youtube account access. So start providing your account permission to this plugin to get started with the magic.

Choose your subscriptions

Step2: Time to select the channels to select the videos from.

Upon login your subscription will be listed in the left side pannel. You can select multiple channels. You may unselect the channel by clicking it twice.

Target Your videos

Step3: Select Videos from your Subscribed channels.

You can see the green buton with label "Start from here" when you hover on the video item in the video list in rght side column of addon. On clicking this button will select all the videos from the start of the list to this button's video.

Remove Videos from list

Step4: Remove unwanted videos from list.

To remove the video you can use the remove button. This button will only appear on selectd videos and behave similar to the Green button. This button will unselect all the videos starting from the first selected video to this button's video. For removing the single video you may use corner cross button.

Confirm your selection

Step5: Confirming your selection in confirm pannel.

In the right side you can see the currently selected video count. If you are satisfied with your selection then click on the confirm button to start the process.

See the progress or your action.

Step6: Processing status bar.

Upon clicking the confirm button action will start and you can see the progress status in place of confirm button.

You are All Done.

Step6: Success Alert.

Great your video have been added to watch later list. Now You can visit the youtube in your brwoser and check your watch later list.

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